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Laptop Dell Inspiron N5110 i3 price and specificationsRs.39,500

Seller Information

Seller Name
Ahsan B
Location: Lahore, Category: Laptops in Pakistan on May 18, 2013 4:15pm

Condition: 1, No Warranty

Ad Posted By Home User AD ID: 40759 used

IntelÃ,® CoreTM i3 processors
Operating System
Genuine WindowsÃ,® 7 Home Premium 64-Bit
Up to 6GB2 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM3
Mobile IntelÃ,® 6 Series Express Chipset (HM67)
Standard IntelÃ,® HD Graphics 3000
Optional AMD RadeonTM HD 6470M 512MB
LCD Display
15.6� Widescreen LCD 1366 x 768 (HD) display with TrueLifeTM Panel
Audio and Speakers
SRS Premium SoundTM - 2 speakers @ 2W each
Built-in microphone
Hard Drives
500GB configured with a 5400 RPM4 SATA hard drive.
Optical Drives
Internal tray-load DVD+/-RW or optional internal tray-load Blu-ray DiscTM Combo (Read BD, Burn CD/DVD) Drive.
6-cell 48WHr Li-Ion Battery
1.0MP Integrated 1280�720 native HD Webcam
Wi-Fi Bluetooth Options:
IntelÃ,® CentrinoÃ,® Wireless-N 1030
Asking price 39500
pls call today 03454177710 for sale price

Q: What is Laptop Dell Inspiron N5110 i3 price in Lahore Pakistan

A: Laptop Dell Inspiron N5110 i3 price in Lahore Pakistan is Rs.39,500

Q: How can I buy Laptop Dell Inspiron N5110 i3 in Lahore Pakistan

A: Buying Laptop Dell Inspiron N5110 i3 is very easy on BSAPK, just dial the cell phone number provided above in Seller Information block and ask seller about Laptop Dell Inspiron N5110 i3

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