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Umrah Packages Ramadan with TicketsRs.35,000

Seller Information

Seller Name
Muhammad Mahad
Location: Lahore, Category: Services in Pakistan on May 8, 2014 10:56pm

Ad Posted By Home User AD ID: 51741 new

Flying World Travels present best Umrah packages and Hajj Packages for 2014 (April,May)
Executive hajj packages have been announced
Blocks of Shahen, Airblue, Saudi Arabian Airline are available in May..
april around (Shaheen) 74500
may around (Shaheen) 73000
Ramadan (PIA) 67000
FlyNas 67000

Ramadan Package :
Only Visa fees for ramadan is 39000 this year and we have our own shirka Zohra in saudia so we are giving this package before 5 may whoever makes booking
115000 with ticket 15 days
125000 with ticket 21 days

Q: What is Umrah Packages Ramadan with Tickets price in Lahore Pakistan

A: Umrah Packages Ramadan with Tickets price in Lahore Pakistan is Rs.35,000

Q: How can I buy Umrah Packages Ramadan with Tickets in Lahore Pakistan

A: Buying Umrah Packages Ramadan with Tickets is very easy on BSAPK, just dial the cell phone number provided above in Seller Information block and ask seller about Umrah Packages Ramadan with Tickets

Q: Can I buy anything related to Umrah Packages Ramadan with Tickets on BSAPK?

A: Yes, of course you can buy anything related to Umrah Packages Ramadan with Tickets on BSAPK.

Q: Can I buy Umrah Packages Ramadan with Tickets on BSAPK using my credit card?

A: We are sorry that you cannot buy Umrah Packages Ramadan with Tickets on BSAPK using your credit or debit card because we are not providing any services to sell online.

Q: Can I buy or sell my Umrah Packages Ramadan with Tickets on BSAPK?

A: Yes, you can buy or sell anything on BSAPK and the best thing is, it is absolutely free.

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